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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: Learn Skills For A Better Night's Sleep.

Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep? Do you feel sleepy throughout the day? Or do you wake up in the early morning on a consistent basis, tossing and turning for hours in bed? There is relief in the form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia, also known as CBT-I.

At Heart Bloom Therapy, I provide cognitive behavioral therapy for individuals struggling with insomnia in the Denver, Colorado area and beyond. This is considered a first line of treatment for insomnia by the American College of Physicians and is also a non-pharmacological approach to treating insomnia.

Signs of Insomnia and Why Treatment Is Key

There are many common signs of insomnia beyond having trouble falling asleep. For instance, you might fall asleep quickly but wake up several times in the middle of the night, then have trouble falling back asleep. Or you might consistently wake up in the morning from a night’s sleep still feeling tired.

These are all symptoms of insomnia and treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, is key since chronic insomnia can impact your mood and emotional state. It can also lead to fatigue, trouble concentrating, irritability, relationship difficulties, using too much caffeine, and other issues. Insomnia can even be the secondary symptom of other psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

How CBT for Insomnia Therapy in Denver Can Help With Insomnia

Through cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, I will work with you to introduce strategies, such as:

· Psychoeducation – Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia involves learning about sleep and the factors that could be contributing to your insomnia.

· Assessing negative thoughts about sleep – It also involves discussing your thoughts and feelings about sleep and other behaviors that are impacting your sleep to clarify and reframe negative thoughts.

· Sleep restriction – As your cognitive behavioral therapist, we will work together to track your sleep patterns, set a bed time, maintain the same wake time, and stick to this schedule 

· Stimulus control – Another aspect of CBT for insomnia involves going to bed only when you go to sleep, getting out of bed if you can’t fall asleep and only returning when you feel tired, and avoiding excessive daytime napping.

· Relaxation training – From deep breathing to imagery meditation, relaxation training helps to relax the mind and body, so you fall asleep more easily.

· Sleep hygiene – Through CBT for insomnia, you'll learn to adopt the healthy habits you need to sleep better, such as creating a good sleep setting, having a bedtime routine, exercising earlier in the day, and steering clear of caffeine and alcohol later in the day.

When these techniques are used together, cognitive behavioral therapy is a highly effective treatment for clients with primary insomnia. Benefits include less time to fall asleep, more time spent asleep, and waking up less during sleep.

Learn More About Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia

You don’t have to face insomnia on your own. There are many strategies that can help to relieve symptoms and eventually overcome insomnia, so you’re able to get a good night’s sleep—every night. If you’re ready to find out more or get started with cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, contact me, Dr. Pamela Brody, today.